Explain why and how the misunderstanding and misapplication of the concepts of love as agape, eros, and philia determine the amount of pain a person endures when something goes wrong with the object of that love

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    Paper instructions:
    After a careful and critical analysis of minimum of three selections (texts) from the list below, compose a four page essay in which you define, discuss and existentially apply the three Greek words that are associated with love, namely, agape, eros, and philia.

    1-Explain why and how the misunderstanding and misapplication of the concepts of love as agape, eros, and philia determine the amount of pain a person endures when something goes wrong with the object of that love.
    2-Is is true that the proper understanding and application of these Greek words for love can lessen the pain a person endures when something goes wrong with the object of that love?
    3- According to your understanding of agape, eros, and philia, what kind of love brought pain to Sapho, for example?

    4- Which of these Greek words of love is experienced by each of the authors of, as well as characters, in presented in the three selection you have chosen?
    5-What are the consequences of the modern (21st century) understanding and application of these Greek terms?
    Note that answers to these 5 questions must be accompanied by specific examples taken from specific passages from the selected texts as well as from real life situations. Your essay must begin with Thesis Statement.Sequential combination of contents of essays 1&2&3 including a summary. (I attached essays 1&2)
    *Langston Hughes HARLEM and Same in Blues
    *Nathaniel Hawthorne Young Goodman Brown

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