Explain the product of media, and examine the relationship of news to power

    Throughout the quarter we have examined various factors contributing to the manufacture of news. Your assignment is to synthesize a way of becoming an informed, knowledgeable, and savvy observer of world affairs.

    1) Explain how you would select and interpret sources. Explain the product of media, and examine the relationship of news to power.

    2) Explain how you would analyze news and statements within the news to detect propaganda, misinformation and disinformation. Explain how even such distortions might still be useful.

    3) Explain how your own bias may color your understanding of the news.

    4) Explore how other forms of knowledge, such as blogs and social media might be useful to improving your understanding.

    You are to use at least the following readings as well as relevant lectures and discussions in class:

    Studying the Media (Chomsky)

    Public Relations and Astroturf (Beder)

    Journalism and Class Struggle (McChesney)

    Thussu Chapter 1 Historical Context (Thussu)

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