Exemplification in E-Learning

    Exemplification in E-Learning
    Research Paper and Presentation
    The main written assignment for the course will consist of an original research paper of ca. 20 pp. in length (exclusive of bibliography and transcripts segments) in which you explore one or more of the aspects of science and mathematics discourse considered in the course:

    (1) A review of the literature related to science and mathematics discourse. If you choose this option, keep in mind that you will be required to do more than just an annotated bibliography. You will actually have to identify themes in the relevant literature (e.g., common findings, theoretical perspectives adopted, main arguments, etc.) as well as identify areas in need of further research.

    In the process of developing and writing your paper, it is important that you contextualize your analysis by reference to the scholarly literature we discuss in the seminar. Relevance to the topics will be a major consideration in the evaluation of the paper. Your paper should demonstrate that you took the course seriously and learned from it.

    Paper Format: text double-spaced, transcripts single-spaced, APA format for citations. Use 12 pt. Times New Roman font for text, 10 pt. font for transcripts

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