Exegetical Essay

    This is a Exegetical Essay.

    The verse you will be using is John 1:1-18

    You will rewriting a old assignment of mine, it must be brought down to 2200 words

    This assignment must look like a Totally new assignment!!!
    when compared it must not resemble the old assignment!!

    I have Include the essay you need to rewrite. Also I have also included an example essay so you can get a idea of how the Exegetical essay should look

    Guidelines- Criteria for Assessment
    1 Introductory Issues
    2 Exegetical analysis of the passage
    3 Engagement with Secondary Literature
    4 Critical Skill
    5 Literary Skill
    6 application

    I have also including a old essay of mine to show you what Referencing style to copy. This means that after you have presented a idea it must have a little number after it with the reference.

    7 different resources must be used. They must either be books or A journal article.

    This Assingment must be a, A+

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