Executive summary to conduct a real market analysis of the Australian Fast Food Industry

    Executive summary to conduct a real market analysis of the Australian Fast Food Industry. The purpose of the market analysis is to assess the opportunities and threats associated with establishing a new “low calorie” fast food chain in Australia

    Use of the Australian bureau of statistic is to be used and quoted: http://www.abs.gov.au

    Only use of Australian Market research or analysis is acceptable.

    Executive summary to conduct a real (genuine Australian facts only) market analysis of the current Australian Fast Food Industry.

    The finding of the market analysis (500 word essay) are to be submitted to a fictional CEO of a Healthy Living Group, whom consults on diet, health and nutrition. The group is concerned with correlation of OBESITY RATES (Pls Quote where applicable) and the consumption of fast foods.

    MAIN purpose of the analysis is to provide recommendations for key marketing decisions pertaining to the launch of a new “low calorie” fast food chain.
    Assess and describe the opportunities and threats associated with establishing a new “low calorie” fast food chain in Australia.
    Analysis and recommendation must be based on theoretical concepts:
    -Discuss demographics, sociocultral,economic,tech trends affecting fast food consumption
    -Be sure to include and identify likely competitors of the new fast food chain by what they offer and who they target
    -Discuss cultural, social, individual and psychological factors that influence consumption of fast food
    – segment the fast food market and recommend target segments being sure to describe HOW YOU SEGMENTED the market and discuss HOW you selected the target segments.

    Based on your market analysis, provide recommendations on:
    1. How the new fast food chain should be positioned
    2. How the new fast food chain should be branded
    3. The type of products that should be offered
    4. Where the new fast food chain should be located
    5. How the new fast food chain should be promoted.

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