A Senior Project Presented to the Organizational Management Program

    In partial fulfillment of the requirements

    for the Organizational Management Program


    Dr. Shirley Johnson


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    Problem Analysis Worksheet (session 1)

    1. State the problem in as clear and concise a manner as possible:

    Traditional students at _____ College are not prepared to work in their field of study because there are no professional development programs in place for them to mandatory attend.

    2. Why is this problem?This is a problem because traditional students spend four to five years matriculating at __________ College and during that time, receive no professional development training that will prepare them for work in their field of study.

    a. Where is the problem located or centered?

    The problem is located within the curriculum at ___________ College.

    b. Who is affected by the problem?Traditional students, especially the senior classification of students are affected by this problem.

    3. Observations of the problem –



    a. Students lack communication and interpersonal skills

    a. Training as a freshmen about career awareness

    b. Students lack professional development and soft skills.

    b. Implementation of professional development and soft skills workshops

    c. Students lack workplace ethics

    c. Training in sophomore year on work place ethics and

    d. Student lack job etiquette and professionalism

    d. Training in Junior Year excellent interpersonal skills and etiquette workshops

    e. Student lack interviewing skills

    e. Required Mock Interview Workshops

    f. Students lack experience

    f. Required two internships in junior and senior year

    4. Analyze the above for symptoms vs. possible causes. Ask yourself what causes the condition that makes you think there is a real problem. Is this really the problem or only the manifestation of a symptom?



    no mandatory training in field of study

    Not implemented in curriculum

    senior traditional students graduating with no skill sets

    No mandatory training in field of study

    5. List all possible explanations (hypotheses) for the problem. Use complete sentences, such as: The problem is a result of ineffective communication between departments.

    The problem is a result of the traditional students’ curriculum and instruction planning from academic affairs.

    6. Explain why the above explanations (hypotheses) appear to be relevant or applicable

    to your project.

    The explanation appears to be relevant to my project because when traditional students graduate from _______ College, they are not prepared to work in their field of study because there are no professional development programs in place for them to mandatory attend.

    7. Indicate any relationship among the most relevant explanations (hypotheses) identified in #6. (i.e., are they getting at the same thing – does one have implication for another?)

    Mandatory professional development workshops should be implemented for

    all traditional students as a requirement. Two internships should be required for

    each traditional student as a graduation requirement. This will be an asset to the

    traditional students to be able to effectively prepared for jobs in their field of



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