example 20 mins on the treadmill : (purpose ) properly warm up body and get the

    example 20 mins on the treadmill : (purpose ) properly warm up body and get the heart rate upDecline Bench Press 6 Sets ( 2 Warm-up ) 2 Sets 20 Reps ( Light weight ) purpose properly warm-up large muscle group before strenous isometric movement. 4 Sets 10864 ( Increase the Weight Each time you should reach Muscle Failure if not the weight is not enough.) On Last Set complete a drop set till you reach Muscle Failure.ECT ECT ECTEASY EASY EASY EASY 20 DOLLARS FOR A TEN STATION WORKOUT PLAN AND TEN STEP STRETCHING PROGRAM YES DUE IN THE MORNING AT 626AM PACIFIC STANDARD TIME SINCE THEIR IS NO RESEARCH INVOVLED . IF YOU ARE INVOLVED IN HEALTH OR LIFTING WEIGHTS AND KNOW YOUR STUFF THIS IS FOR YOU!!!!! SIMPLE SIMPLE SIMPLE IM JUST WORKING ON SOMETHING ELSE THATS MUCH HARDERMust Be Baseball Related DUE TOMORROW MORNING AT 626am Pacific Standard Time 12hrs from NOW

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