Examine the Reconstruction era and explain: What were the crucial economic changes occurring in the North and South during the Reconstruction era? Compare and contrast Custom Essay

    History (The topics are written in the paper instructions) I will also attach the actual assignment just in case

    The research paper must be a minimum of 8 pages. Footnotes/end-notes citing all sources used must be included using the proper format. A bibliography must also be included. No more than two sources may be from Internet web sites. Any Internet sites must include web addresses. 12 point / Double space

    Choose one of the following topics:

    Topic #1: Examine the Reconstruction era and explain: What were the crucial economic changes occurring in the North and South during the Reconstruction era? Compare and contrast.

    Topic #2: Describe the impact of new technologies and new forms of production on the routine of industrial workers. How did these changes affect African Americans and women in particular? What role did trade unions play in this process.

    Topic #3: How did urban life change during the Gilded Age? How did economic development affect residential patterns? How did the middle class aspire to live during the Gilded Age? How did their lifestyles compare with those of working-class urbanites?

    Topic #4: Analyze and discuss the Berlin Blockade and crisis that developed between 1948 and 1961. Discuss its importance in terms of the Cold War between the United States and Soviet Union.

    Topic #5: How did mobilizing for the Great War (World War I) change the American economy and its relationship to government? Which of these changes, if any, spilled over to the postwar years?

    Topic 6: What principles guided American President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points? Include a discussion as to the explanation for why the United State’s failure to ratify the Treaty of Versailles?

    Topic 7: Examine the impact of the Second Industrial Revolution on American business, workers and consumers. Which technological and economic changes had the biggest impact on American society

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