Evidence and Expert Review Paper

    Evidence & expert interview paper. You will write a scholarly paper using APA guidelines to describe evidence you found, and the results of expert interviews you conducted related to your leadership plan.
    Instructions for this paper are as follows
    Running head: TITLE 1
    Chamberlain School of Nursing
    NR 447 Collaborative Health care
    TITLE 2
    Introduce the two SMART goals and briefly describe why you chose these two goals for yourself.
    Goal 1: Leadership Development
    Briefly describe your leadership development goal in three to four sentences.
    Peer-Reviewed Articles
    Identify a peer-reviewed article for the leadership development SMART goal. Analyze the article and its importance to the SMART goal. Provide a brief evaluation of each article describing how the article applies to the specific SMART goal.
    Credible Websites
    Analyze one or more credible websites associated with the leadership development SMART goal. Provide a brief evaluation of the website(s) describing how it applies to the specific SMART goal.
    Informational Expert
    Identify and recruit an informational expert to discuss your goals, offer information, and/or ideas on how you can attain your leadership development SMART goal. Conduct an interview with the information expert for your leadership development SMART goal. The expert should facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and provide guidance as needed. This person may or may not be a nurse, depending on the nature of the goal. You may choose the same expert for more than one goal. Identify the expert’s qualifications (i.e. Nurse Manager, Vice President, etc…). Provide an evaluation of the interview with the expert for your leadership development SMART goal and list any additional recommendations the expert provided to you pertaining to your goal.
    TITLE 3
    Goal 2: Organizational Planning
    Briefly describe your organizational planning goal in three to four sentences.
    Peer-Reviewed Articles
    Identify a peer-reviewed article for the organizational planning SMART goal. Analyze the article and its importance to the SMART goal. Provide a brief evaluation of each article describing how the article applies to the specific SMART goal.
    Credible Websites
    Analyze one or more credible websites associated with the organizational planning SMART goal. Provide a brief evaluation of the website(s) describing how it applies to the specific SMART goal.
    Informational Expert
    Identify and recruit an informational expert to discuss your goals, offer information, and/or ideas on how you can attain your organizational planning SMART goal. Conduct an interview with the information expert for your organizational planning SMART goal. The expert should facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and provide guidance as needed. This person may or may not be a nurse, depending on the nature of the goal. You may choose the same expert for more than one goal. Identify the expert’s qualifications (i.e. Nurse Manager, Vice President, etc…). Provide an evaluation of the interview with the expert for your organizational planning SMART goal and list any additional recommendations the expert provided to you pertaining to your goal.
    Summarize your findings gained through the peer reviewed articles and websites. Additionally, summarize the insights gleaned from your informational expert.

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