Everest disaster

    Essay should include specific references to the texts (yes, you should quote where necessary). Feel free to “personalize” them as necessary – the main objectives here is to place you in a situation where you will take a long look at a specific element of a text. Be sure to cite quoted material correctly and proofread and spellcheck.

    For this essay i’d like for you to address how one story can have multiple truths. Please explore the 1996 Everest disaster (using Into Thin Air and the Frontline Video), the life of Mike Kutner (taking into account the different points-of-view presented in each chapter), and the events occurring in Fences (taking into account Troy’s potentially questionable function as reliable story teller), taking care to blend your observations into a coherent whole. Next you should consider why the writers/directors chose to embrace the perspectives (and also modes of perspectives) that they offer the audience. Which of the above narratives is the most believable? Why? How about the least believable?

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