Events Tourism

    Events Tourism

    Analyse the relationship between a festival of your choice and the tourism industry. In particular, consider the following components:

    Case study format – Explain why you have chosen this particular festival and what kind of case study you are writing about.

    Idea, design and programming of festivals
    What is the festival about? Why has the festival been established? What is the rationale of the festival?
    What is the main idea of the festival and how it this translated into the design of the festival?
    What are the core values of the festival?
    What are the guidelines for the programming of the festival? To what extent are design principles applied?

    Location and seasonality
    Where is the festival based and what are the reasons for the location?
    When does it take place? Discuss the timing while using seasonality as indicators.
    Is the timing related to visitor management?
    What is the link between the tourism industry and the festival?
    Have you provided evidence for your analysis?

    Marketing of the festival
    What is the marketing strategy of the festival?
    What marketing tools are described and applied?
    What is the link between the marketing and the design of the festival?
    How are marketing and tourism linked in the festival?
    What strategies and tools are used to establish the relationship between marketing and tourism in the festival?

    Facility management of Festival
    What are the facilities provided at the festival?
    How are they linked to the ideas/concept and the design of the festival?
    How do the facilities respond to the sustainability of the festival?

    Overall presentation and academic remit
    Have I structured the case study logically? Have I developed a coherent argument?
    Have I applied theoretical frameworks to the case study as outlined in academic literature?
    Have I applied the Harvard style of referencing?
    Is the analysis of my argument convincing and supported by evidence?







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