Events Industry in the Middle East and North Africa Region: Oppurtunities and Challenges

    Events Industry in the Middle East and North Africa Region: Oppurtunities and Challenges

    Critically discuss the evolution and development of the event industry in the MENA region identifying size, range and scope of activities, market and role.

    Paper Organization & Content (50%)
    •Clearly defined purpose and scope of the paper (5%).
    •Logical and interrelated flow of ideas building on a theme (15%).
    •Detailed discussion of size, range and scope, market and role (15%).
    •Critical analysis of content (10%).
    •Conclusions or Summary (5%).

    Sources and Quality of information (35%)
    •Relevant sources of information (15%).
    •Proper use of primary and secondary sources of information (15%).
    •Range of information sources including academic references (5%).

    Overall Flow (15%)
    •Referencing protocols evident and consistent (5%).
    •Professionally presented (10%).
    •Academic writing style (5%)

    Also, Emphasize the benefits of 2020 World Expo in Dubai and 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar, and how this two major events will benefit the region.

    Use a few pictures on the cover page,
    Use a few charts or tables in the paper

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