Evaluation – Transforming Organization

    Topic: Evaluation – Transforming Organization

    Order Description
    Please write a 2-page paper that reviews the Group’s performance, including:

    1. Charter & Group values- How did it get created, what did it say, and was it used? If so, how?
    2. Participation & Teamwork- Was the work equally distributed? Why or why not?
    3. Leadership – What kind/s of leadership were used within the group? Was it successful?
    4. Setbacks – How did the group handle problems or setbacks or obstacles?
    5. Frames – Use the frames to explain how your group operated
    6. Reflection – What did you learn about leading and managing this group? (What would you do differently next time? What should the group do differently if it conducted another case analysis?)
    >Please read all of my attached files to get idea to write my paper. Thanks.
    > Evidence of research from academia and other reputable sources (Wikipedia is NOT a reliable source).
    > References are correctly cited within the body of the paper. APA format is required for in-text citation.
    > Examples of personal experience (work, life) that supports the research.
    > All references cited correctly at the end of the paper (Reference page). APA format is required for reference pages.
    > Use APA style for in text citations and your reference page (double spacing not required).
    > Please use reference from the textbook (Please see the attachment)

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