Evaluation of Local Environmental Issues

    Evaluation of Local Environmental Issues

    Answer tasks 1 and 2 below

    o Investigate and describe the local environmental issues of concern to
    the construction industry and the ways in which such issues are
    o Analyse indoor environmental effects and present recommendations on
    how these effects can be minimised

    Task 1

    Prepare a report comparing and contrasting the factors required to be considered in
    approaching the design, specification and construction of a sustainable urban
    drainage system (SUDS) for a new development of 20 houses and a new community
    fire station and associated hard standings, suitable for emergency vehicles. The site
    is located in South Wales and covers an area of 0.5 hectares.

    Task 2 20%

    Adopting the role of environmental consultant, prepare a report for submission to the
    design team for a new office block, outlining measures which may be incorporated to
    reduce the possible effects of Sick Building Syndrome in the workplace.

    Your report should discuss best practice and possible measures which may be
    employed to minimise risk to the building owner and eventual occupiers.

    Consideration must be given to both internal environmental issues and human and
    other factors. You are expected to reinforce your recommendations by the
    discussion of two relevant referenced case studies. The appended case studies will
    not form part of the total word count.




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