1: The first paragraph will be explaining; why we teach maths in primary curriculum and the importance to children’d development. the importance of evaluation as a reflective practitioner.back it up with references.
2: Second part will be about 2 aspects of the mathematics teaching that I currently find as my good practice; ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING and RESOURCES,what they are, why these are important and what impact do they have on children’s progress. how do we use them in the classroom. both of these aspects have got to be explained individually and backed with references.
3: Another 2 aspects of mathematics pedagogy that I find I need to improve on is; QUESTIONING and MODELLING. these have got to be explained individually and backed with references.again explain why these are important in maths teaching and why does these aspects need to be developed.how will teachers progress and incorporate this into classroom.
4: conclusion to recap, reinforce the evaluation and being reflective practitioner.
#relate aspects of conclusion key readings.