Evaluate the validity of how concepts are measured

    Read/review the following resources for this activity:



    When you design a study, many times you want to know if something caused something else to happen. For example, a researcher may suspect that nightlights cause nearsightedness in children (see your textbook for more on this concept). The issue with the example mentioned in the textbook is that there is a third factor that is really causing the relationship between nearsightedness and nightlights. This third factor is called a spurious correlation, and it can invalidate your research findings. Spurious correlations can be hard to spot so let’s look at some examples in this discussion.


    Initial Post Instructions
    Your textbook gives you a few examples of spuriousness but there are a lot more examples at Tylervigen.com. I want you to choose one of the many spurious correlation listed at Tylervigen.com and then develop an explanation of how these two variables could be related. The more creative the better and feel free to have fun with it.


    Secondary Post Instructions
    In your replies to your fellow students provide some other possible explanations for the correlations. Also, provide some feedback about their explanation and how it relates to the idea of spuriousness.


    Writing Requirements


    • In addition to one initial post, respond to at least two peers.
    • Initial Post Length: minimum of 250 words
    • Secondary Post Length: minimum of 200 words per post
    • Using APA format, incorporate appropriate in-text citation(s) referring to the academic concept with corresponding references page for the initial post.


    Grading and Assessment
    Meeting the minimum number of postings does not guarantee an A; you must present an in-depth discussion of high quality, integrate sources to support your assertions, and refer to peers’ comments in your secondary posts to build on concepts.


    Course Learning Outcome(s): 1, 2, 3, 5, 7
    1.   Understand the language of research.
    2.   Evaluate the validity of how concepts are measured
    3.   Understand and apply the scientific method to answering research questions.
    5.   Develop verbal and written communication skills
    7.   Critically evaluate research, being able to differentiate shoddy research from good research 

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