European History:Western Civilization in the Modern Era

    European History:Western Civilization in the Modern Era

    Write a 1200-1500 word analytical essay. (I require all students to write their essays in Times New Roman, 12 font, 1” margins on right, left, top and bottom. If you follow these directions, you will have an essay that is 4-5 pages). Use only the primary documents I uploaded in the weekly reading folders 1-5 as the sources to write you essay. You are not required to do extra research. In fact, I strongly recommend you do not do extra research. An analytical essay should tell the story of western civilization from the 16th century until the 20th century from a student’s perspective. Use the primary document to provide proof for your perspective. In your interpretation of western civilization you will need to discover a common theme that connects the different historical periods discussed in the various documentaries you have viewed with specific supporting evidence from the primary document readings. Make certain to use the primary documents to support your thesis statement.

    Essay Rubric
    The essay does not state in the introduction the five or more primary documents the student will use to prove his thesis. -6pts.
    The essay has no clear thesis statement in the introduction. -11pts.
    The essay contains 5 or less spelling errors and/or grammatical mistakes. -6pts.
    The essay contains 6 or more spelling errors and/or grammatical mistakes. -11pts.
    The essay refers to less than five primary documents. -6pts
    The essay refers to no primary documents. -11pts
    The essay does not have a conclusion. -11pts
    The essay does not have an introduction. -11pts
    The essay is not divided into paragraphs (with specific main ideas (or topic sentences) that function as sub-main ideas for the thesis statement). -6pts
    The essay does not have a title. -6pts
    The essay does not have the appropriate style, font, and/or margins.- 11pts
    The essay is less than 1200 words. -11pts
    The essay is plagiarized. -100pts




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