Ethics Reflection Paper

    Take the Ethics Awareness Inventory and Ethical Choices in the Workplace assessments to assess your values. – listed below
    Write a paper of no more than 700 words in which you do the following:
    •Explain the role of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan, considering stakeholder needs. •Explain how your ethical perspective has evolved throughout the program. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
    EAI SCORING SUMMARY — 1/7/2014 The Williams Institute for Ethics & Management
    Most Likely Scores: Character = 6 Obligation = 11 Results = 3 Equity = 4 Least Likely Scores: Character = 2 Obligation = 3 Results = 7 Equity = 12 Combined Scores: Character = 4 Obligation = 8 Results = -4 Equity = -8
    Ethical Profiles: Most Likely = Obligation Least Likely = Equity

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