Ethics and Managed Care

    use the information below to formulate the purpose of your paper and as a guide in writing the entire paper.
    "Managed care has come under scrutiny. This scrutiny has elevated the importance of ethical behavior in managed care. In this assignment, you will explore the ethics of managed care and write about your findings. An abstract is not required. (Google behavioral health managed care settings for examples of such settings)".
    Write an essay of 1,500-1,750 words pertaining to ethics and managed care in the behavioral health field. Include information regarding the following:
    1) Write an introduction to your paper and then include at the end of your introduction the purpose of your paper. Your introduction and purpose should be well connected and based on behavioral health managed care setting. Support your discussion with current research. Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!
    2) Discuss the role of leaders in maintaining financial ethics in a behavioral health managed care setting. That is what you are expected to do here is discuss what roles leaders play in maintaining ethics in a “behavioral health managed care setting”. And ensure that your discussion is well connected to a behavioral health managed care setting. Support your discussion with current research.
    3) Describe how leaders can prevent ethics related malpractice in a managed care setting of a behavioral health organization. What you are expected to do here is explain in your own words what ethics related malpractice mean and then discuss at least three ethics related malpractice and how the leader can prevent these ethics related malpractice from occurring in a behavioral health managed care setting. Support your discussion with current research.
    4) How does a leader’s demonstration of ethical leadership influence the decisions made regarding financial ethics and ethics-related malpractice? What you are expected to do is explain in your own words what ethical leadership mean and then clearly discuss how ethical leadership influence the decisions made regarding financial ethics and ethics related malpractice in a behavioral health managed care setting. Support your discussion with current research.
    5) Summarize by writing a convincing argument or conclusion that supports the discussion in your paper. It should include all the topics discussed and should not be too short. Support your discussion with current research.
    6) Put a heading to all the questions.
    7) Ensure that your discussion flow and synchronize with each other.

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