Ethical issues in food, agricultural, and apparel industry

    Paper instructions:
    TOPIC: Ethical Issues on a Popular Film

    ? To prepare for this paper, choose a “popular” film on a topic of relevance to the course. Popular means that the film was produced for the general public and

    is available beyond the scientific or academic media. A list of possible film choices will be provided although you may suggest one not on the list for instructor

    approval. The purpose of this assignment is to examine the substance of an argument or position posed to the general public and determine its ethical characteristics.

    Your paper should apply at least 3 ethical theories AND include all of these aspects:
    ? Purpose – what is the purpose of the film maker?
    ? Question – Is the question at issue well-stated?
    ? Information – Does the producer cite relevant evidence, experiences, and or information essential to the issue? Is the information accurate?
    ? Concepts – does the producer clarify key concepts when necessary?
    ? Inferences – does the producer develop a line of reasoning explaining well how she/he arrived at her or his main conclusions? What ethical concepts can be

    applied to this reasoning?
    ? Point of View – does the producer show an awareness of alternative relevant points of view or lines of reasoning?
    ? Implications – does the producer show an awareness of the implications and consequences of the position he/she is taking?
    ? Approval on alternate film (not on list) is due on Monday, May 20 via email . The paper shall be min 1000 words (4-5 pages long), apply at least 3 ethical

    theories and FOLLOW RUBRIC. Paper #3 is due on

    Paper will be submitted to (originality max 10% because of the quotes)

    Possible Films:
    ? Bananas! 2009
    ? Farmageddon 2011
    ? Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World 2004
    ? We Feed the World 2005
    ? Colony 2009
    ? Super Size Me 2004
    ? Forks Over Knives 2011
    ? Deconstructing Supper 2002
    ? Fresh 2009
    ? King Corn 2007
    ? Plastic Planet 2009
    ? A River of Waste: The Hazardous Truth 2009
    ? Vanishing of the Bees
    ? The Dust Bowl by Ken Burns
    ? Food Matters
    ? Genetically Modified Food 2005
    ? Food Inc. 2008
    ? Bad Seed: The Truth About Our Food 2005
    -These films can be found in libraries, some on the internet, Netflix, or order online.

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