Ethic Dicussion Homework

    Two key perspectives in environmental ethics are anthropocentrism, meaning human-centered, and ecocentrism (or biocentrism), meaning nature-centered, where humans are seen as one part of the ecosystem. Two primary types of values associated with the environment are intrinsic (inherent worth) and instrumental (useful). For instance, some environmentalists believe that trees have intrinsic value, and as living things, deserve to be protected. Others view trees as having value because they a

    Prepare for your discussion by completing your readings and viewings. Then respond to the following:

    • What is the environmental concern most important to you? Provide a rationale to support your opinion. Do you approach it from an anthropocentric or ecocentric viewpoint and why? What are the intrinsic or instrumental values that you consider?
    • Provide at least one facebook or SNS link that best represents your current issue.  Share a synopsis of the information from your chosen site. To what extent does the site represent all of the ethical considerations of this issue? Here is a partial list of environmental social networking sites you may draw upon: 25 Environmental Forums and Social Media Sites.
    • Post should be at least 250 words and must substantively integrate the assigned readings from the module with proper APA style formatting. You may use additional sources and materials as long as they are relevant to the discussion and cited properly.

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