Establishing Theme in The Wizard Of Oz

    Establishing Theme in The Wizard Of Oz

    • Describe a major theme of the movie you have selected using evidence from the movie itself as well as course resources and other scholarly sources to support your position.
    • Identify at least three techniques (cinematography, lighting, acting style, or direction) and/or design elements (set design, costuming, or hair and makeup), and explain how these techniques and/or design elements contribute to the establishment of the theme. Reference particular scenes or sequences in your explanations.
    • State your opinion regarding the mise en scène, including
    o How the elements work together.
    o How congruent the design elements are with the theme of the movie.
    o Whether or not other techniques would be as effective (Explain your reasoning).
    Note: Remember that a theme is an overarching idea that recurs throughout the plot of a film. It is the distilled essence of what the film is about, the main design which the specific scenes and actions lead a viewer to understand.

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