EssayWord length: 3000 words maximum.Essay question:Critically analyse the following proposition using evidence
from research and related academic literature.
Resistance to change can always be overcome. It just takes
the right tactic to match the source of resistance that is encountered.Notes:This is an essay question so please use the conventions of
academic essay writing. The essay asks for critical discussion of a
proposition. This indicates that there is not a clear correct response to the
proposition. Rather an evidence-based discussion is needed that considers
more than one perspective on the issues raised in the proposition.Your answer must include discussion of the nature of
resistance the sources of resistance to change and the tactics that are
typically recommended to manage or overcome different sources of
resistance.This base knowledge should
then be enhanced with a critical discussion of the evidence regarding whether
or not it is possible to overcome resistance simply by applying a standard
recipe or tactic.You must fully reference your argument with correct
citations and a reference list that sets out all sources that were actually
used in the argument.APA references should be needed andplagiarism will apply