Essay report

    to present ideas and arguments in written contexts following academic conventions of planning, and organization by developing clear, concise and coherent writing
    Outcome 2:Be able to use reading and writing for inquiry, learning, thinking and communicating
    Outcome 3:To demonstrate understanding of a written assignment as a series of task, including finding, evaluating, analyzing, summarizing and synthesizing from appropriate primary or secondary sources

    TASK 3:  Outcomes 1, 2, 3
    Maximum marks awarded: 10 (part of 25%)
    Written paragraph: Due Friday 29 April 2016

    Write an essay of at least 1000 words which clearly demonstrates how you are able to:

    ➢ Apply planning techniques to the writing process
    ➢ Present a situation suitable for descriptive writing
    ➢ Produce a well-developed essay with clear development of the topic
    ➢ Organise your essay in accordance with an outline see page 66
    ➢ Use grammar correctly
    ➢ Apply suitable academic vocabulary appropriate to the topic
    ➢ Correctly spell words, use capitalization and punctuation
    ➢ Follow formatting instructions


    • Write about the following topic
    i. Describe two things that improved the quality of life in your city or a city that you know.
    • Brainstorm using a method that works for you to generate ideas
    • Organise your paragraphs appropriately
    i. Introduction (Highlight your thesis statement in pink)
    ii. Body 1(Highlight your topic sentence in blue) Underline information that relates to before.
    iii. Body 2 (Highlight your topic sentence in blue) Underline information that relates to before.
    iiii. Conclusion
    • Write first draft and get feedback, use feedback techniques on page 68
    • Include at least one external source and reference it using Harvard Reference Guide

    • Include a cover page with your name, EAU ID, date, subject, essay title
    • Use Arial font 16 for Titles, 14 for Headings and 12 for text
    • Insert header and place title of the essay top left with name and ID top right using font size 10
    • Insert footer with date bottom left, page number bottom centre and lecturer name bottom right
    • Left align with right hand side ragged edge
    • Line spacing 1.5

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