Essay report



    Answer exactly the question I ask, don’t write broad introductions to the topic, definitions, etc. I am interested in your opinions; don’t copy opinions you find online, provide your own. Write in the first person. Back up your opinions with facts and arguments. Choose wisely the sources you use, don’t use random people’s blogs. Wikipedia can be used, but should not be the only source of information. Articles from scientific journals, respected press titles, research reports, official websites of companies and/or public institutions, etc. would fit best.
    Your answers should be short (max. 2-3 pages for each question, they can be shorter) and concrete. You must add references (in the footnotes) to all the materials you’ve used preparing your answers, and mark all the citations.


    3. Discuss the role that Corporate Social Responsibility may play in the broad context of sustainable development. Do you think it is fair to say that CSR is just a part of marketing strategy of a company? Justify your answer, provide one example that supports your point.

    7. How to transform Kozminski University into a greener workplace? Provide and discuss three examples of actual practical solutions, implemented in other organizations, that could be adapted at Kozminski.

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