Essay report

    For the Final Blog project, I am looking for a minimum of a 2-page, double-spaced document. I am interested in your ability to integrate the topics across chapters, to put it all together. Take the most important things you have learned from the text, quizzes, and your own thoughts throughout the Leadership portion of this course and integrate them in to a coherent, well thought out, and well written final product.

    The weekly blog entries simply go chapter by chapter, which you can look back on later to help you remember relevant points. During the course of the weekly blog entries you should be keeping in mind any connections you find between topics/concepts throughout the text. Think critically about the ideas, their applications to your professional & personal life, and how to integrate them with one another.

    It is very important that you take note of the differences between the blog draft rubric and the final blog rubric. The final product is not a cut and pasted compilation of all of your previous blogs or a chapter-by-chapter overview.

    The best final blog entries will make it obvious that all 12 chapter topics were understood and used in one flowing, well-thought-out, and well written paper. Ultimately, I want to see what you’ve learned about leadership and yourself during the Leadership portion of the semester.

    I do also take into account spelling, grammar and formatting, flow and your ability to express your ideas clearly. This paper is a major portion of your grade, so please take it seriously

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