Essay report

    find a recent example of a news article in which the law plays a significant role for a business. Summarize the article and write a brief (1 page, 12-point, Times New Roman, 1-inch margins) analysis of how the law impacts the business.

    1. Article must be from a reputable news source and published since January 1, 2016.

    2. You must provide a link to the article in your submission.

    2.5. The article has to be about a business being affected by the law.

    3. You must write a page summarizing the article and how the law affects a business.

    4. The law(s) affecting the business have to be something we’ve discussed in class (e.g. we haven’t talked about what happens to your stuff when you die, which is called the law of wills and estates, so don’t choose an article on that topic. We HAVE discussed how civil lawsuits work, so you could choose an article on that topic).

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