Essay report

    1500 words

    Accessing Library Information for Argument Assignment for
    Last Essay and Oral Report:

    The final assignment for this class is twofold: You will write an
    essay and offer an oral presentation on a current controversy.
    Below are instructions for both assignments, along with directions
    for accessing IRSC databases via the IRSC library.
    Write a four to five page paper arguing for one side of a current
    controversy. Your paper must include citations from at least one
    credible source from an IRSC database, and you must include a
    works cited page as the final page of your paper, which means the
    works cited page will be either page five or page six.
    The paper must have standard 1-inch margins, and have a header
    and a heading. The paper must be double-spaced with indented
    paragraphs. Citations must use MLA format, and the paper must
    meet the minimum page requirement and include a works cited
    page. Papers that do not comply with these standards will receive
    50% or less and will not be graded for content. The paper is due in
    the Drop Box for Argument Papers in Module 15. Do not send
    your paper to me via the mail if you are late. I will not accept a late
    paper for any reason, and I will not accept a paper that is not
    submitted to the drop box.
    You will also offer an oral presentation on the same topic as your
    written paper. This presentation must be sent via technology like
    YouTube or Sky Drive. All media presentations must be loaded to
    the Drop Box for Oral Reports in Module 14.
    Please note individual instructors may limit topic selection.
    Directions to Access Library Databases
    1. Go to
    2. On the bottom of the page, click on the “Libraries” link
    3. On the left side of the IRSC College Libraries page, click
    on the “Find Articles” link
    4. In the Find Articles section on the middle of the page,
    under “Library Databases,” click on the first item—
    “Databases by Subject”
    5. Log In with your 9-digit student ID, and use your birth
    date or pin number as a password, unless you have already
    changed your password. My birthday is March 30, so my pin
    number would be 0330.
    6. Click on “News and Current Events” and eight databases
    will appear. You will find articles in these databases, any of
    which can be used in your paper.
    7. If you are struggling with a topic, you may search
    Opposing Viewpoints, and find a good idea for your oral
    report and paper. Just be sure you choose a topic that is not
    on the forbidden list! Here is a link to sign up for a YouTube
    Here is a link to load a YouTube video:

    You can video your presentation using a web cam, a video camera,
    a digital camera, a built-in camera on your computer, or any other
    digital device you may have. You must initially make the video
    public, so I can view it. Once you receive a grade, you can change
    the security.

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