Essay report

    Each student will be responsible for 5 page research proposal in APA format. The proposal will consist of research into a topic of your choosing. This topic should be related in some way to human-computer interaction. The source materials for your research can be from academic journals and/or from practitioner-focused publications. PLEASE NOTE: Your research should be based on “extra” readings. You may find a topic or issue you are interested in from reading an assigned article or the textbook, but your subsequent research will be from sources other than the assigned readings. Your research proposal should define the topic, issue or problem you are interested in researching. In this write-up, you should describe the topic in general, the specific issue or issues you’re interested in, and what you discovered in your initial research—including existing hypotheses or research that you would want to build upon. You can also describe your synthesis of the research—that is, if there are opposing viewpoints in the area you researched, you might describe whether (and if so, how) these viewpoints can be reconciled. In other words, you can take this as an opportunity to share your INFORMED opinion as to who’s right, and who’s wrong. The list below contains some suggested journals. If you choose one not on this list, please check with me for approval.

    ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
    CHI Conference Proceedings
    Computers in Human Behavior
    Communications of the ACM
    Human-Computer Interaction
    Human Factors
    International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
    International Journal of Man-Machine Studies
    Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
    Keep in mind, you are just setting the stage, so to speak, for a possible future research project. You do not actually have to conduct the research at this time.

    3 References


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