essay 1301

    The Issue Proposal



    The first step in your series of projects is the Issue Proposal.  It is important to begin somewhere and deciding on an issue is a good place to start.  An Issue Proposal will help you organize and develop your thoughts for longer argument papers.  Follow the procedures below to complete your assignment.


    • Do some background reading on your issue, if necessary.


    • Follow these guidelines for your proposal:


    • Introduce the issue and then present it in the form of a question. (¶ 1)
    • Explain why it is compelling to you. (¶ 2)
    • Describe what you already know about it. (¶ 3)
    • Explain what more you need to learn. (¶ 4)



    Format of Project- MLA


    Page length:      1 – 2 pages

    Spacing:            double

    Margins:            1 inch

    Typeface:           Times New Roman

    Point Size:         12 pt.

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    Student Example:


    ***Adapted from Nancy Wood Perspectives of Argument, 7th edition.




     The Barbie Controversy


    Introduce the issue







    Present it in  question form




    Explain why it is compelling you.




    Describe what you already know about it.



    Explain what more you need to learn.


    It is interesting that a small, blond, blue-eyed, plastic doll

    could cause an uproar.  Barbie has succeeded (intentionally or  not)

    to incite heated opinion on whether she is fit to be the image of the

    perfect woman for millions of impressionable young girls.  Some

    people have stated that Barbie’s proportions are humanly

    impossible with an exaggerated bust line and minuscule waist.

    They claim that her impossible proportions could lead girls to

    develop poor body image.  Barbie doll defenders state that Barbie

    is a part of most girls’ lives while they are growing up.  Is Barbie

    bad?  Does she have the power to affect girls psychologically all

    over the country or perhaps the world?

    I am interested in the Barbie controversy because, like many

    girls growing up in America, I was obsessed with Barbie when I

    was a child.  Now, as a college student, I am very interested in

    female icons and their role in self-image development.  I also have

    to fight the voices in my head telling me that I am too short and too

    fat.  and I am not sure exactly where these voices have come from.

    I know that the Barbie doll product is very pervasive in

    American society.  I have never met a woman or girl who hasn’t

    played with at least one Barbie.  Barbie’s image has appeared in

    McDonald’s Happy meals, in computer programs, on her own

    clothing line, on school supplies, and in every major American

    store with a toy section.

    I need to do more research on the validity of the claim that

    Barbie affects girls’ self-images either detrimentally or positively.  I

    would like to explore the pervasiveness of Barbie internationally and

    compare the domestic sales figures to the international sales figures.

    Also, if Barbie proves to be a detriment to girls’ self-images, I would

    like to seek out some proposed solutions and discuss their feasibility.


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