Essay #1: Economic Systems

    World Geography 10


    Essay #1: Economic Systems

    Prompt: The governments of the world generally have economic systems that can be classified as capitalist, socialist, or mixed economies. Write a formal essay including ALL of the topics below (not in any particular order):

    1) Definition of each economic system.

    2) Explanation of each system’s basic tenets.

    3) Who founded/developed each system, if applicable.

    4) Explain advantages and disadvantages of each system.

    5) Compare/contrast each system.

    6) Be sure to provide examples of each system.

    7) Which system do YOU think is the best? Be sure to explain WHY

    Due Date: The essay will be due on Monday, October 16 to Paper copies will not be accepted.

    Essay Requirements:

    1. All essays must be a minimum of 2 pages long, but no more than 4 pages (2-4 pages). 

    2. Students must use rules of English, with correct grammar and spelling. The paper is to be in MLA format with 1 inch margins, 12 pt. font, double spaced, and using Times New Roman. For help with MLA formatting, visit:

    3. The essays must be in paragraph format (does not have to be 5 paragraphs, could be 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc.) with an introduction, a body, and a conclusion; moving from general at the beginning of the essay, to specific in the body of the essay, and back to general at the end of the essay.  

    4. Students must use at least 3 scholarly sources (NOT Wikipedia,, yahoo answers, etc.) throughout the paper and include them in their works cited page. Students are NOT allowed to use direct quotations from their sources. 

    5. They must paraphrase and then give credit to (cite) the work and/or author they paraphrased from. Plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. 

    6. All essays will be due on by the assigned deadline. If the paper is not turned in by the deadline, the student will receive a grade of zero. NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED (unless absent)! No paper/hard-copy submissions will be accepted.

    7. Each essay will count as one test grade.

    8. Each essay will be graded using the following rubric: 

    Content/Answering Prompt                        30 points 

    Correct Formatting (MLA style)               25 points 

    Use of research articles/works cited           15 points 

    Length/Organization/Flow/Creativity        20 points 

    Grammar and Spelling                               10 points

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