Equity in the classroom Custom Essay

    Your first activity this week, as we build on the concepts of equity and access, is to view a portion of a documentary produced by PBS,

    entitled A Class Divided. If you have access to the entire video through your school or district, it is certainly worth the time and effort to view the entire video. This video is based on the research of Jane Elliott and is a landmark study on this issue.

    Once you have viewed both videos and read the articles, write a reaction paper. The reaction paper should be one to two pages double spaced. The three questions below are just to help you get started, so don’t just list 1, 2, and 3 with answers. Your reaction should weave in these concepts as well as others that you glean.
    • What did you learn from these resources? What was the main focus?
    • Why is it important to develop equity in your classroom?
    • How will this perspective affect what you teach, and how you teach it?

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