Enzyme Assays
A)Description and Review of the Technique:
Here you will be expected to research and present logically how the technique: 1) was discovered and by whom, 2) is performed by researchers, 3) and the basis of how it works. You are expected to use vocabulary that is pertinent to your topic and connect in a way that a reader could perform the technique using your methods. You may draw or create pictures if you like to help describe how to perform the technique but detailed instructions on how to perform it must be written out
B)Description of a disease(s) that is/are researched or closely related with your technique:
In this section you will be expected to use your knowledge from part A to research one or more specific diseases that researchers use your technique to perform experiments and research. You are expected to discuss: 1) Description of the disease, 2) Symptoms of the disease, 3) Treatments of the disease, and 4) How this technique is related to research of that disease (how it is used). These should be broken down in detail.