Entrepreneurial Science and Innovation Policy

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    Entrepreneurial Science and Innovation Policy
    This course is not traditional political science. However, I don’t think it should belong to business or management neither. It is something related to innovation policy.(A short sample writing which gained 75% would be uploaded as well)
    Please use the ideas in the slides as many as possible.
    Preferred topic would be the first or the third one.
    Pay attention to the source material
    Critically assess the factors which influence the contribution which the university sector can play in national innovative performance with reference to the experience of any two OECD economies or any two sectors of your choice.
    Critically assess the conceptual and empirical basis for the argument that public sector procurement of research and development is a superior policy option to subsidies and collaborative grants in promoting the commercialisation of university based research
    Critically assess the factors that affect the role that universities can play either in regional or sectoral systems of innovation. Illustrate your answer with reference respectively to either two regions or two sectors of your choice.

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