The course takes the perspective of senior management concerned with enabling strategy and getting value from IT resources. The course focuses on the strategic contribution of IT rather than the details of the technologies. It will address both the fundamentals of information technology and where, why, and how it should be employed to support business strategies and core processes.
    In today’s environment, information systems are being used to design products, shape organization structures, define competitive strategies, and forge market offerings. Information systems offer the resources to define how an organization operates and whether it is successful.
    Specifically this course will address:
    • The use of Information Systems as a catalyst for change
    • Data as an organizational resource
    • Information Systems software
    • Telecommunication networks as an information delivery vehicle.
    • The Internet, intranets and extranets as network approaches
    • Enablement of business models
    • Value creation through information solutions
    • Collaborative platforms
    • Enterprise architecture
    • Cloud computing and the consumerization of IT
    Learning Outcomes:
    a) Development of analytical skills for the development of support systems for business strategies
    b) Be able to identify where information technology can provide business value
    c) Insight into the IT trends that are re-shaping markets and businesses.
    d) Understanding how to be resourceful, innovative, and enterprising
    e) Knowledge of core business functions

    ADVANCE PREPARATION – Written Individual Case Reports: Each student must turn in a reportfor each one of the three cases assigned. While each case has a few preparation questions, they are intended only as general guides for your analysis. Your report must include three components: (a) page 1: essential case facts, (b) page 2 – 3: identification of major issues/dilemmas, pros and cons of two alternative paths of action, your recommendation, and rationale for your recommendation, (c) page 4: three essential concepts from the assigned reading(s) and a brief statement about how each one is connected with (or helps understand) the situations described in the case.

    Thereports must be submitted by the student/author at the beginning of the classwhen the case is scheduled for discussion. No excuses.Each discussion session is graded individually. Failure to submit a written report will imply a class participation grade of zero for that specific discussion. See sample case report in Appendix I.

    A case write up is expected for the following cases:

    Procter and Gamble
    Mitalio Software

    The following guidelines are to be observed in the development of your case report:

    ? Report to be typed, 1 ½ spaced
    ? Pages must be numbered.
    ? Type should be no smaller than 11 point.
    ? Use headings and subheadings.
    ? Length: 3-5 pages
    ? Footnotes and references properly documented
    ? Handwritten or electronic (email) reports are not acceptable.



    Preparation Questions

    Preparation questions are offered as generic directions to help identify critical issues and focus your analysis. Students are expected ‘not’ to answer the questions in their reports, but to follow the framework suggested above.

    Procter and Gamble (A): Improving Customer Value Through Process Redesign

    1. What were the key decisions taken by Procter and Gamble in relation to the distribution channel? Could a mid-sized manufacturer have used this approach?
    2. How important are the new information technologies in P & G’s efforts?
    3. What do you think the next steps are?
    Mitalio Software
    1. Are you aware of the different forms by which a white paper can be delivered to key influentials? How traffic can be driven / attracted to a CXO’s blog? How Press Releases may obtain high visibility in Google search? These are samples of the questions for which you must find answers before you finish your case preparation.
    2. High tech marketing is very different from the marketing of FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) as Oscar (p. 6) surprisingly notices. What accounts for the differences?
    3. Thought leadership seems to be an essential element of brand equity and brand positioning in high-tech marketing. What are some the elements that characterize the companies (or products) that share this attribute?
    4. Should the BEA announcement have caused such a stir in Mitalio? Why? How will it influence Mitalio’s relationship with its current and prospective customers?
    Wooquer: Making Business Social (A)
    1. In what ways can IT be used to bring about operational efficiency? Discuss this in the context of retail.
    2. An expanding business environment at the time (2010) suggests that Madura’s revenues could increase without any extra effort. Why make any changes?
    3. Given the IT infrastructure that is already in place at Madura, what is the need to enhance it further?
    Appendix I
    Case Analysis Report
    Sample for Reference


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