Enterovirus 71

    ARTICLE: http://www.eurosurveillance.org/ViewArticle.aspx?ArticleId=20911

    Read the instructons below. Before you begin to work, post the name of the infectious disease you are going to focus on (this should be the title of your post). Once a student has posted the name of the disease he/she is going to write about, no other student can write about this disease.

    Select an on line article (professional health care source) or professional website which focuses on infectious diseases of global concern. Summarize the article, and explain its significance to the course content and global health. Include the link or citation. No abstract is needed. Please include a reference page and attach your work as WORD document.

    The written work must be a minimum of one typed page for the summary and one typed page for the significance. Use two headings: Summary of article and Significance to course content and global health. Refer to course syllabus and module objectives. Include a minimum of 3 course/modular objectives. You can cite the syllabus or the modules/lessons. The resource must be one that is not included in the course modules or library references. Reference must be less than 5 years old. Infectious Disease must be of global concern. Be sure the link is active on the reference page. No duplicate articles will be accepted.

    Review the submitted work before you post. Be sure to include your name on the paper or a Title page.

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