English Literature (Classic and Modern)

    English Literature (Classic and Modern)

    The Horse Dealer’s Daughter
    Write on D. H. Lawrence’s “The Horse Dealer’s Daughter.” You must also make reference to at least three academic (peer reviewed) secondary sources in your essay. The essay can be about any element of the story that you wish, but it must make an argumentative point that aims to convince the reader of your own perspective.
    If you are struggling for ideas, consider some of the questions below as starting points:
    • Consider the role of animals in the story and how these relate to the characters.
    • We are given a lot of concrete details about the setting and the family’s economic problems. What historical/social/economic factors may have influenced the fortunes of the Pervin family?
    • Mabel and Jack both react to their feelings of love with fear and dread. Why might they feel this way? Might the conventions of society have a bearing on this?
    • Consider the kinds of reactions that critics had to Lawrence during his lifetime. Do you think this short story contains the kinds of things people typically objected to in his work? Why might he have risked censorship to include these things?
    • Much of Lawrence’s work involves working class people in Nottinghamshire. Compare his portrayals of characters and setting with that of another short story, poem, or essay by Lawrence. What aspects of these character types and settings appeal to Lawrence? Why might this be?
    Avoid writing a summary of the story. However, you should introduce the story, briefly, at an early stage in the essay.






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