English and Literature

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    I. Introduction – Grab our attention with a hook. Briefly discuss who you would choose to spend 14 Tuesdays with. You do not need specific details in your introduction.
    II. 1st Body – Discuss in detail why you would choose this person over all of the countless other people that have ever lived in our world. What benefit would it serve you to speak with this particular person instead of another? Be detailed!
    III. 2nd Body – Explain to the reader what three things you would hope to learn from this person. After you have explained these three things, discuss with the reader why you think this person would be a great person to discuss these topics with.

    IV. 3rd Body – Share with the reader how you believe what you learn from this person will ultimately help you with your life. Will it shape your identity? Will you learn a life lesson? Will it open your eyes to something new? Is it simply someone you idolize? The possibilities are endless, but be detailed with this response.
    V. Conclusion – Sum up the main points in your essay. Briefly explain how this person would prove to be beneficial to you. Be sure to leave your reader with something when you end. Give us something to think about!

    You have the ability to spend 14 Tuesdays with any person of your choice. This person can be someone who is currently living, or it can be someone who has already long passed away. There is only one restriction on your choice. For this essay, Morrie Schwartz is not an option. Who would you choose to spend your time with? Why?

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