English and Literature


    Write an essay about an intriguing person, place, service, activity, establishment, or event. This profile essay will be based on your observation and interview. You may have an interview (s) and should present what you have learned in a way that both informs and entertains the audience. Do not use your past experience and memory. All the information you want to use in your essay needs to be garnered freshly through field trips. You should consider your audience to be the people who are not familiar with your chosen subject. You must convey a particular impression or interpretation of the subject. That is, you carefully choose details of scenes or people and put these details in a particular way.

    This is a Observe, Perceive, and Describe essay. You should one introduce
    6-7 body part and one conclusion. the order is topic order or special order.
    the important things is you should follow the example essay.

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