English and Literature

    Paper instructions:
    i need you to read the following essay and answer these questions.
    1) What is the essay’s thesis?
    2) Is the thesis sufficiently supported by the secondary sources?
    3) Does the essay provide a fresh or engaging perspective on its topic (either global warming or the portrayal of women by the media)?
    4) Does the essay seem complete? If not, where is there room for further exploration or improvement?
    5) What is the strongest section of the essay?
    6) What is the weakest section of the essay?
    7) Is the essay clearly written and easy to understand, grammatically speaking?

    Essay :

    Global Warming

    One of the biggest problem that we are facing in our daily life today is global warming. Global warming is the term used to describe the changes on average of temperature in our planet earth atmosphere and oceans, and this change in average temperature can change the planet climate. Many scientists believe that production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases causes the earth atmosphere, and it can be very dangerous for animals, plants, and human’s life. A small change of average temperature in our planet can have huge effects in our planet. In this essay I am trying to examine the global warming and suggesting some ways to solve this problems.

    First we should now what causes the global warming? Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) says that “Carbon dioxide and other air pollution that is collecting in the atmosphere like a thickening blanket, trapping the sun’s heat and causing the planet to warm up. Coal-burning power plants are the largest U.S. source of carbon dioxide pollution — they produce 2.5 billion tons every year. Automobiles, the second largest source, create nearly 1.5 billion tons of CO2 annually”. 1 As you see culprit is greenhouse gases which is produced by burning fossil fuels by millions of automobiles that we drive and big factories. These carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses is collection in the atmosphere works like a thickening blanket, and taping the sun’s heat and makes our planet to warm up. Also other human activates like cutting down tropical forests can effects of global warming.

    Many problems could result from global warming. One of the biggest problems and most important problem of global warming is rising sea levels. By having hotter weather icebergs on north and south burns and it means we are adding more water to our oceans worldwide. It could result in the flooding of low lands, such as Netherland, Egypt, and Bangladesh. Some countries will disappear completely. Results of union of concerned scientist researches says that: “Land ice—glaciers, ice caps, and ice sheets—is shrinking at a faster rate in response to rising temperatures, adding water to the world’s oceans. As the rate of ice loss has accelerated, its contribution to global sea level rise has increased from a little more than half of the total increase from 1993 – 2008 to 75 – 80 percent of the total increase between 2003 – 2007”.2 also losing more ice causes on animals that lives on cold weather like polar bears, penguins, and sea lions. With less ice in the earth they have less space to live and less food to eat. Researches shows that polar bear population decreased. “Without ice, polar bears are unable to reach their prey. Shorter hunting seasons correlate directly with a 22% drop in the population of Western Hudson Bay near Churchill in Manitoba, Canada since the early 1980s. There has also been a steep drop in cub survival rates”.3

    Another problem caused by global warming is changes in global weather patterns. By warming up our earth by increasing the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere many areas of the word are experiencing new weathers. We will have very colder winters and very warmer summers. Many part of the word are experiencing increasing hurricanes, floods, and very other unusual weathers. It is not hard to experience and feel the global and local climate changes. As we saw last year in the United States we had lots of hurricanes and lots of snowing days, and we experienced very colder days in winter. National aeronautics and space administration resources shows that the average of global temperature is rising. The reported that: “The average temperature in 2013 was 14.6 °C (58.3 °F), which is 0.6 °C (1.1 °F) warmer than the mid-20th century baseline. The average global temperature has risen about 0.8 °C (1.4 °F) since 1880, according to the latest (January 2014) analysis from NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS). Exact rankings for individual years are sensitive to data inputs and analysis methods”.4 As you see all these changes on average temperature of our planet causes on these changes on different seasons.

    The third problem associated by global warming is effects on animals and plants. Many of plants are living in special climate. For example rainforest are living in rainy weather or cactuses are living in hot weather. If we change the climate for these plants they cannot continue to live. Animals also need the same things. Animals like penguins or polar bears like cold weather and a lots of ice to live and animals like lions crocodiles are like hot weather, we cannot replace the weather for them. Climate change also effects on life circle of plants and animals. If the temperature gets warmer plants are starting to grow in spring sooner and living longer in the fall. Some animals also moving from hibernation sooner or migrating at different times, too. As U.S EPA says that: “As the Earth gets warmer, plants and animals that need to live in cold places, like on mountaintops or in the Arctic, might not have a suitable place to live. If the Earth keeps getting warmer, up to one–fourth of all the plants and animals on Earth could become extinct within 100 years. Every plant and animal plays a role in the ecosystem (for example, as a source of food, a predator, a pollinator, a source of shelter), so losing one species can affect many others”.5

    Now this is the question, what should we do to make a different? We can start from our home, or our office to reduce greenhouse gases protection. Many of them can save money for us, like walking, or ride a bicycle to work. We should stop reduce carbon dioxide. We should change our gas from oil to green energies like electricity, sun energy. We can recycle more products. If we do that we make less trash in the nature. Generating electricity is one of the most greenhouse gases sources. By using less electricity we make less carbon dioxide. Also scientist are trying to make cars which are working with sun energy. There are some panels on them, which are producing electricity from the sun shine. Also scientists are making electricity from different ways like using wind energy, of rivers energy to generating electricity. Also we can do some other actions in our daily life to reduce greenhouse gases production. We can separate trashes in our home, which can get recycle or not. We can use windows and doors that let us use less energy. We can also use paper bag against plastic bags. Any of these small actions can save energy, money, and the most important our planet from the global warming.

    The planet that we live it in is in danger. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases can have big effects in your planets. By global warming, we have less ice in our north and south ice oceans so oceans level in rising. Also climate change and we have colder weather in winter and hotter weather in summers. And third effect of global warming is on animals and plants. If we make small changes on the way we live, we can avoid many of these dangers. We should start from our home, and ourselves to make change. We should help scientists, and governments to avoid producing more greenhouse gases to have fresh planet.

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