English and Literature

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    I.Correct the Eight Errors in Pronoun Agreement
    example:In 1927, an Illinois farmer discovered a Native American burial site on their land.
    change their to his
    1.In 1974, in Xi’an China, some local men were digging a well when they made an astounding discovery.One of the men uncovered a clay soldier with their bare hands.Then, others, using their shovels, discovered more clay soldiers at the site.Someone rode their bicycle to the local Communist Party headquarters.The workers described what he and the others had found.
    2.The local Communist Party organization sent some excavators to the site.When they arrived, everyone expressed shock at the sight before their eyes.They realized that the find was significant.The central government sent a message to the local peasants.Each had to leave their land and move to another location.Nobody was allowed to remain in their home.
    3.Over the next years, specialists excavated the site.They uncovered more than eight thousand terracotta soldiers.The soldiers are life-sized, and many have his own unique physical features.The statues represent every ethnic group in China.Different male artists carved groups of the soldiers.Each engraved their name on the statues.Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!
    4.The clay soldiers have been guarding an ancient emperor for over 2,000 years.Everybody in the all-male army, including generals, officers, cavalry, and archers, had their own life-sized weapons.Today the site is a major tourist attraction in China.Anybody who goes to China on their holiday should try to visit the terracotta army.
    II.Correct the 15 verb tense inconsistencies
    Example:The President have many supporters.change have to has.
    1.During America’s 2008 elections, a record number of college students registered and vote.Barack Obama’s message resonated with young people, so many are ready to vote for him.Students who cannot go to Washington for Obama’s inauguration watched it on television.Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!
    2.In the United States, voting is not compulsory.However, about thirty nations have a voting law.In Greece, Thailand, and Italy, everybody of legal age must vote, but the laws are not strict.During typical elections, officials did not arrest non-voters.Additionally, Mexico and Panama do not enforce the compulsory voting laws, so voter turnout remained low.
    3.Many other nations, including Turkey, Uruguay, and Argentina, have very strict voting laws.Officials sometimes punish non-voters with fines or even imprisonment.For example, during Argentina’s 2003 election, Ileana Guerera decided that she will not vote in the election because she disapproved of the candidates.She receives a fine, and she had to pay it.Her brother also stayed home on April 27, 2003, but he has a doctor’s note.He knew he will not receive a fine.He had a legitimate excuse, so he can stay home that day.
    4.In the early 1920s, many Australian citizens were apathetic, and close to 50 percent do not participate in elections.Then in 1924, government officials passed a law making voting compulsory.In the election of 1925, people rushed to the polling stations and vote.They worried that they can be arrested if they refused to vote.Today, the voter turnout in Australia is about 95 percent.
    5.There are many people who support compulsory voting.They believe that voting was a civic duty.On the other hand, others consider voting a civil right rather than a duty.They regarded compulsory voting laws as an infringement on personal rights.Do you support compulsory voting?

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