English and Literature

    English and Literature
    Paper instructions:
    watch the video and answer the question

    1. The first half of the video introduces that Mexican American Studies Program in the Tucson public schools. The second half of the film introduces the debate about the importance of the program. What do you think?


    Should ethnic studies be taught in the public schools? Why or why not?

    In your response to the prompt, you need to quote at least one person who speaks in the video. This means you may need to watch it more than once, to get the complete and accurate quote, and get the correct spelling of the name of the speaker.

    You also need to write your response as a complete paragraph.

    2. Several of the people interviewed in the articles we read this week talk about what American history is.

    What were you taught about who is American? or what American history is? Explain the impact learning this had on you and compare your own experience to that of at least one of the people quoted in the article. Be sure to write in complete paragraphs.

    3. After you’ve read “Rift in Arizona as Latino Class is Found Illegal” by Marc Lacey and “Ethnic Studies Myths” by Mari Herreras it will be clear that there is a lot of disagreement about what the Mexican American Studies Program was trying to achieve. So, let’s take some time to analyze exactly what those differences seem to be.

    State and analyze the core ideas of the two major positions about this issue. You are writing two paragraphs. So each one should highlight one of the arguments and state why it is different than the other. Be sure to QUOTE the text in each paragraph (using the quote sandwich technique). “Analyze” means to break into parts and comment on the parts.


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