English 1113 Spring 2013 Essays 3 and 4 for your Midterm Portfolio

    English 1113 Spring 2013 Essays 3 and 4 for your Midterm Portfolio

    Please two prompts from the following for your third and fourth essay. Some of the prompts require a narrative either as a part of your essay or as the entire essay. Each essay must have a significant point to make. Remember to include details and dialogue when appropriate.

    Audience: Your audience is our class.

    Your paper should be 600 – 700 words with a font size no larger or smaller than 12. Use Times New Roman or Courier font. Double-space your paper and include one-inch margins on all sides of text. Be sure to put your name, date, the essay number (3 or 4) and the draft # on the upper left-hand corner of the first page of your paper for each one. [Identifying all your drafts and assignments is very important!] After your heading, skip a line and center the title of your paper in the middle of the page.

    1. Write a profile as described in Chapter 16 of your textbook. A profile “presents a subject in an
    entertaining way that conveys its significance, showing us something or someone that we may
    not have known existed or that we see every day but don’t know much about” (Bullock and
    Goggin 161). As your textbook states, profiles “are written portraits of people, places, events”

    2. Discuss one or two stories that are told in your favorite songs, music videos, or sermons that
    you have heard. (Adapted from Everyone’s an Author, page 104). In your paper, sure to give some background by telling the name of the song or video or sermon, who wrote it, and what it is about. Tell what characteristics of the story (or stories) make it (or them) your favorite(s) and

    3. Describe a trait you possess that very clearly comes from one of your parents and show how
    this trait has significantly affected both your life and the life of your parent. A “trait” should not
    be a hobby that you share; rather a “trait” should be a characteristic you share.

    4. Have you ever felt a strong sense of pride in work that you have done? Or a challenge you were given? If so, explain the experience and the significance how you felt when the work was completed.

    5. Relate a time when you or someone you know was treated unfairly and explain how that event
    affected your attitude toward life.

    6. What have been the indirect effects of a specific historical figure in your life, someone such as a
    political leader, an artist, or a philosopher –not someone you know personally.
    7. Have you ever done the right thing even if you didn’t get what you wanted? Or have you ever
    done the right thing even if all your friends/colleagues did something else? What was the
    result? What did you learn?

    8. Tell about a time when you were humiliated. What happened? What did you learn?

    9. Have any of your dreams given you an insight into your life? Have any offered a solution to a
    problem you’ve faced? If so, shape a central point from your observation and use it to
    develop a brief essay that deals with your dream experience as related to your waking


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