Engineering Economic: In 2008, the world financial system was on the brink of failure and the US Government made a series of decisions to prevent world “meltdown” of the financial systems Custom Essay

    Engineering Economic: In 2008, the world financial system was on the brink of failure and the US Government made a

    series of decisions to prevent world “meltdown” of the financial systems. The justification was

    “Too Big to Fail”. An HBO movie has come out called “Too Big to Fail”. In 2011 the movie

    “Margin Call” came out and it depicts another aspect of the financial crisis in the United

    States. I would like you to watch both films and do some research on the basis of these films.

    After that, you need to write a 5 to 7 page paper that is typed, single space with 1 inch

    margins. The page count does not include a cover page or reference page. In the paper you need

    to address the following items:

    1. You need to provide a summary of what happened between August 2008 and October 2008.
    2. Compare the two films and discuss which one portrays a more accurate representation of the

    real events. Please refer to research that you found on the events to support this. You may

    find that both are accurate in a different area. That is ok.
    3. Determine if legislation has been passed to overhaul the lending and banking system as a

    response to this crisis. Please provide an overview/ explanation of this legislation.
    4. Pick three items that were part of the crisis and/or legislation and explain how it impacts,

    good or bad in your opinion, the profession of Industrial Engineering.
    5. Finally, what ethical implications were involved in this financial crisis?

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