Engaging the art work

    Write a catalog entry for a single object of your choosing. The length of your text should be between 800-1000 words. In this entry, you should think about (and discuss) the formal qualities of the work–what choices did the artist make, and how do these choices influence the audience’s perceptions. In terms of formal analysis, you should think through the following categories:

    Rhythm / pattern
    Texture (both physical and perceived)
    Scale and size
    In addition to the formal aspects of the work, you might think about how you would communicate the work’s salient features to someone interested in learning about the work. If the work you choose is a portrait, you might convey the relevant details about the sitter; alternatively, you might know who the sitter is and instead focus on how the object you are writing about is reflective of the artist’s body of work. If the object is a building, you might think about its purpose, its architect(s), or other features that strike you. In short, there is no wrong choice to make, provided that you are communicating with your reader. You should feel free to choose an object that interests you, from any period in time. I will be grading these and giving you feedback. Some other rules:

    You must include the image in your document, and submit the assignment online by the specified date and time.
    You may not plagiarize. You must make sure that the work you submit is your own, and not copied or paraphrased from someone else. You must list your sources at the end of the assignment.
    You may not choose an object that are in any of the class videos. You should consult the later videos if you are choosing an object from those periods so that you do not inadvertently choose a work that we will cover.

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