
    What is the principal message of the prologue to this gospel?  1:1-18.  Bruce, p. 28.

    Compare verse 1 to Genesis 1:1.

    What is meant by the Word (Greek: logos) of verse 1-3, and how is it connected to Christ?  Bruce, pp. 29-31(cf. Colossians 1:16; Hebrews 1:2).

    The relation God/Word in the prologue corresponds to what relation in the later discourses?  Bruce, p. 33.

    Give the double meaning of The life was the light of men. 1:4.  Bruce, p. 33.

    John the Baptist came to bear witness of what?  1:6-8.

    Define world as used three times in verse 10.  Bruce, p. 36. Explain he came unto his own and his own did not receive him in verse 11.  Bruce, p. 37. What is involved in the expression believe on his name in verse 12?

    What is Docetism and what does the Evangelist say to oppose it? 1:14.  Bruce,     p. 39.

    How does verse 14 defeat the doctrine of Arius?  Bruce, p. 40.

    Explain the term only begotten.  1:14.   Bruce, p. 41.

    In what sense is the Jews of verse 19 used?  Bruce, p. 46.

    What traits of John the Baptist reminded the Jews of Elijah? 1:21 (cf. 2 Kings 1:8; Mark l:6; 9:13; Luke 1:17).

    John the Baptist refers to which prophecy concerning his mission? 1:22-23.  Bruce, pp. 48f.

    Who were the Pharisees, and how did they differ from the Sadducees? 1:24 (cf. Acts 23: 6-8).  Bruce, pp. 49f.

    What demonstrated the humility of John the Baptist? 1:26-27.

    With what opening statement did John the Baptist introduce Jesus? 1:29. 

    What sign demonstrated to John that Jesus was he that baptizes in the Holy Spirit?  1:33.

    Who was Cephas and who brought him to Jesus? Explain the meaning of the name. 1:41-2.  Bruce, p. 58.

     In verse 47, to what Old Testament event does In whom there is no deceit refer? (cf. Genesis 27:35f.).  Bruce, p. 60. 

    Which two Messianic titles did Nathanael apply to Jesus? 1:49.  Bruce, p. 61.

     Explain Jesus’ promise that the disciples will see the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.  1:51. Bruce, p. 62.

    What was the setting for Jesus first sign?  What happened there?  2:1-11.  Bruce, p. 70.

    List and define four New Testament words that refer to Jesus’ mighty works. 2:11.  Bruce, p. 72.

    Which city became Jesus’ headquarters during the Galilean ministry? Where was it located?  2:12.  Bruce,  p. 73.

    How many Passovers are mentioned in the Fourth Gospel, and what does that suggest about the duration of Jesus ministry?  2:13.  Bruce, p. 73.

     Explain the presence of oxen, sheep, doves, and money-changers in the temple.  2:14.  Bruce, p. 74.

     Jesus accused those selling animals and the money-changers of what?  How does that compare with the reason given by the other Gospel writers?   2:16. (cf. Mark 11:17).

    Find the word antanaclasis in a dictionary. Explain how this figure of speech is seen in Jesus words destroy this temple. 2:19  (cf. Matt. 26:61; Mark 8:31; 9:31).

     Discuss whether the disciples understood the prophecy of his resurrection at the time he spoke these words. 2:22.

    Who was Nicodemus?  What did Jesus tell him he must do to enter the kingdom of heaven?  3:1-5  (cf. John 7:50f; 19:39).

    Discuss the expression born of water and spirit. 3:5.   Bruce, pp. 84f.

    Even so must the Son of man be lifted up refers specifically to what event?  How are they similar? How are they different? 3:14.  (cf. Numbers 21: 5-9).

    Discuss the meaning of the famous Golden Text.  3:16.

    The terms judge and judgment appear to have several meanings in the Bible. How are they used in 3:17-18?

     Why would Jesus say that men (people) love darkness more than the light? What does that mean?  3:19.

     Who is the friend of the bridegroom of verse 29, and what does that me

     Look up the word hyperbole in a dictionary. In what sense might this figure of speech apply to the writers words in 3:32?  Bruce, p. 96.

      Explain he gives not the Spirit by measure in this context.   3:34. Bruce, p. 97. 

    What is the relationship of believe and obey in verse 36?  Bruce, p. 98.

    The concept of the wrath of God is controversial. Write a paragraph explaining how you understand that. 

    Cite two reasons that Jesus left Judea. 4:1-3 (cf. Mark 1:14). Bruce, p. 100.

    Explain how Jesus could have been making and baptizing disciples, yet He himself baptized not, but his disciples? 4:1-2. Bruce, pp. 100f.

     Why did strict Jews avoid travel through Samaria?  4:4,9. Bruce, p. 103.

     What lesson did Jesus teach in his conversation with the Samaritan woman about drinking water from Jacob’s well? 4:6-14. Bruce, p. 104.

     Evaluate Bruce’s explanation of living water. 4:10,14. Bruce, pp. 104f.

    How did Jesus know about the Samaritan woman’s personal life?  4:16-18 (cf. John 2:25).

    Why had the Samaritans built their temple on Mt. Gerizim? 4:20.  Bruce, pp. 108f.

    Explain what Jesus might have meant by worship in spirit and truth. 4:24.  Bruce, pp. 110f.

    Comment on Jesus words in verses 25-26.  Bruce, p. 111.

    What spiritual work did Jesus have in mind in speaking of sowing and reaping?  4:35-38. Bruce, pp. 114f.

    Who said, We know that this is indeed the Savior of the world? and how did this belief come about? 4:42.

    What feature in Jesus’ healing the nobleman`s son is shown by verses 52-53?  

    Verses 3b-4 are not included in some modern versions. Explain why.  Bruce, p. 122.

    Discuss whether Jesus healed people because of their faith, or to create faith. 5:7-9.

    In the Fourth Gospel, what is the first example of open hostility to Jesus? 5:10,16.  Bruce, p. 124.

    How many categories of work not to be done on the sabbath did Jewish tradition specify?  Bruce p. 125.

    What does the writer imply about sin and sickness? What challenges could you offer?  5:14.  Bruce p. 126.

     Show how Jesus’ words of verse 17 relate to the Jews’ charge that he broke the sabbath command.  5:16

    . What was the primary reason that the Jews from this time sought to kill Jesus?  5:18.

     What tremendous claim does Jesus make in 5:19-24?  Bruce, pp. 127f.

     Does Jesus suggest that eternal life only begins after the Great Resurrection? 5:21, 25, 28-29.

    What four things does this Gospel list which establish a divine relationship between God and Christ.  5:19-23.

    . Explain the dead of verse 25 and all that are in the tombs of verses 28-29.  Bruce, pp. 131, 133.

    List the five witnesses to Christ’s deity. 5:33, 36, 37, 39, 46.

    Explain verse 39. See Bruce, footnote 28, p. 141.

    Why would most of the Jews be more inclined to follow a false Messiah than Jesus?  5:43.

     Describe and comment about a prominent pseudo-Messiah who led a disastrous revolt.  Bruce, p. 138.

     How can a disposition of heart prevent belief?   5:44 (cf. I Corinthians 2:14).

    To what text in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) does Jesus likely refer in verse 46? 

    Which miracle (sign), other than the resurrection, is recorded in all four Gospels?  6:5 ff.  Bruce, p. 143.

     Describe the place where the feeding the 5,000 took place. 6:1.

    What caused the need for food for the multitude? 6:5-7  (cf. Matthew 14:14-16, Mark 6:34f.).

    Where did Jesus find a basic food resource?  6:8-9.

    In this incident, how did Jesus demonstrate the principle of orderliness?  6:10 (cf. Mark 6:39-40) Bruce, p. 144.

    What does the term eucharist mean and how did it come to be used in Christian tradition? 6:11.  Bruce, p. 145.

    How does Jesus teach a lesson about frugality? 6:13. Bruce, p. 145.

     In what way was an earthly kingdom different from the one Jesus came to establish?  6:15.

    Why were the disciples afraid when they saw Jesus walking on the water during the storm?  6:19 (cf. Mark 6:49).  Bruce,   p. 148.

    What is the likely meaning of it is I (ego eimi)? 6:20. Bruce, p. 148.

    Jesus accused the multitude of following him for what purpose?  6:26.

    Contrast the two types of food mentioned by Jesus. 6:27. Bruce, p. 150.

    Why did the Jews demand a sign greater than that of feeding the 5,000?  6:30-31. Bruce, 151.

    List the seven I am passages in the Fourth Gospel. (6:48; 8:12; 10:7,9; 10:11,14; 11:25; 14:6; 15:1,5). 

    What is the Fathers Will as suggested in verses 38, 39, and 40?

    Do independent research to determine how many times the words in verse 39 for last day (in Greek) occur in the New Testament.

    Verses 44-45 speak of how God draws people unto himself. How might Christians differ on their interpretation of that (see also I Thessalonians 2:13;  2 Thessalonians 2:14).

    Explain the phrase He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood. 6:52-55.  Bruce, pp. 159 f.

     What words show that Jesus’ mission was universal? 6:51.

     How might the Lords Supper (Communion) be implied in this discourse?  Bruce, p. 161.

      In what respect were the words of Jesus a hard saying? 6:60.

    Where he was before of verse 62 implies what?  Bruce, p. 163.

    According to verse 63, how do the words of Jesus pertain to the possession of life?  Bruce, p. 163.

    What did many disciples do after hearing Jesus’ discourse on the Bread of Life?  6:66.

    What did Peter confess?  6:68-69. How do his words here differ from a similar confession in Matthew 16:16? 

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