Employ Family Treatment Courts to Cut Number of Children in Foster Care

    Employ Family Treatment Courts to Cut Number of Children in Foster Care

    An annotated bibliography is a brief descriptionand critical summary of a particular source. The annotated bibliography must be both critical and descriptive in that you will describe what is discussed in the source and evaluate the work from your informed researcher point of view. It is in essence your review of the academic literature available. For each summary please make sure to include: a bibliographic citation, the qualifications of the author(s) and his/her/their biases or points of view, the intended audience, an overview of the thesis, and if available the reports of findings, results, recommendations, and/or conclusions. Each source summarized in this way should be approximately 100 words.
    Must use 20 sources. Sources must add to and provide information that supports the research proposal I uploaded. The sources in the research proposal can also be used towards the 20 sources needed. Also use the two sources listed in the article reviews document that was uploaded. Atleast 10 sources have to be from academic journals. APA formatting.

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