
    Read the following quote from art theorist Clive Bell.
    I shall suggestthat some people may occasionally see in nature what we see in art and feel for her an aesthetic emotion; but I am satisfied that as a rule most people feel a very different kind of emotion for birds and flowers and the wings of butterflies from that which they feel for pictures pots temples and statues. Why these beautiful things do not move us as works of art move us is another and not an aesthetic question.
    Having read the quote answer the following questions in a 2page essay.
    What emotions have you felt looking at nature such as a beautiful sunset or a gorgeous mountain scene or an entrancing river scene?
    In the course of viewing landscape works of art whether paintings or photography have you felt some of the same kind of emotions? If not focus on the emotions you do feel when viewing nature.
    If you have felt some of the same emotions viewing nature and art describe them and tell why you think art and nature can evoke some of the same emotions.
    Format: 2 page minimum. Double spaced. 12 point font. Title centered.
    Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check theCourse Calendarfor specific due dates.

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