Chapter 8 deals with Emerging Technologies in the Fire Service. Some Departments try to remain on the cutting edge when it comes to equipment, and other Departments just try to get by with what they currently have and can afford. When I entered the Fire service in the early 90’s, we did not have thermal imagining cameras, integrated pass devices, or even light weight extrication equipment. We got by with what we had, and did a hell of a job. Life did become easier as this equipment became available. My only fear with all of this new technology is that firefighters become dependent on it, and forget the basics of firefighting.
The essay question for this module is to research a new piece of equipment that you would think would benefit your department, that you currently do not have. Explain what this piece of equipment is, what it will be used for, and your justification in purchasing it. Basically I want you to sell me on this new equipment!!
On this essay you will need to cite from at least 2 separate online sources of information.
This is what Paper needs to be about ; CAFS Systems, “Compressed AIR Foam system”
Follow the syllabus guidelines regarding grammar, documentation, etc.  Length 750 words. Type your essay in Word (as word document) – then you can mail it in to me through the – Blackboard Course E-mail System.