Emergency response, evaluation and disaster relief

    The Disaster Relief Trials aims to test the potential for bicycles, specifically cargo bicycles, to
    help bring in aid and relief and serve as a mechanism for evacuation in the event of a
    natural or man

    caused disaster.
    Write a memo that discusses the feasibility
    of their aims, barriers to bringing their perspective to cities other than Portland, and limitations to their approach.

    Here you should draw upon
    the issues raised during the class, but also relate to some of the issues in the scholarly and popular literature. If it

    is useful, focus on another city/location around the world and contrast how the DRT proposal could be implemented there.
    Or discuss how these bicycles would be
    useful for a specific type of disaster (earthquake, flood, hurricane, war, etc.).
    Include your own perspective on the utility of these bicycles to serve needs in the face of an emergency.

    below is the website where all the information needed for the paper:

    What are the Disaster Relief Trails?

    also Add two more resources.

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